Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Commenting Silence of Archaeologists in Bonkers Britain

Over on The Heritage Journal are two comments worthy of note to the article about what Bettany Hughes said the other day about artefact hunting. They link nicely with the (so far unsuccessful) attempt to get Worcestershire "community archaeologists" to clarify what they said about artefact hunting.
Karl (04/09/2013 at 12:15) responding to the bit about archaeologists telling you what they think “in the Pub” but never in a more public forum:
That’s the problem hit squarely on the head. Why don’t archaeologists speak out in public for all to hear and see? Why don’t the various heritage bodies do the same? Why is it left to “in the pub”? so as to be off the record? Why is there a culture of hidden resentment but a public face of acceptance or is there more to this than meets the eye one wonders? 
kyri (04/09/2013 at 18:10) responds:
I agree with Karl, too many archaeologists say one thing in private but nothing in public, it seems like a Communist party member in China, they toe the party line too afraid to speak up. 
Indeed. Or perhaps they simply cannot be bothered.

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