Friday 6 September 2013

Objects "missing" from Cairo's Museum of Islamic Art

Rumors are spreading about some objects missing from Cairo's Museum of Islamic Art (Nevine El-Aref , Reports of missing objects from Cairo's Museum of Islamic Art  Al-Ahram Friday 6 Sep 2013).  Some reports suggest that during an inventory at the museum made in 2010 before the official re-opening of the museum after its restoration, curators found that seven bronze artefacts were missing. Museum staff suggest the objects may be hidden in storage. There is apparently an ongoing legal investigation into the issue. "The Ministry of State of Antiquities (MSA) has assigned an archaeological committee to carry out a comprehensive inventory of the museum’s galleries to search for these objects and confirm if they are missing". The missing objects are said to be two statues, an incense burner, a key inlaid with silver decoration, a pot, a jewellery box and an astrolabe. Meanwhile some Egyptian archaeologists are suggesting on hearsay evidence the objects have been exported and are already in a foreign museum... 

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