Wednesday 2 April 2014

"Blogger gives crucial leads in idol hunt"

The Subhash Kapoor case ranks among the biggest art theft busts in the world. Crucial leads have come from traditional investigation by police, Interpol and other law enforcement agencies as well as journalists. But [...] blogger [...] Vijay Kumar Sundaresan ( [has played an important role in 'idolgate']. Vijay, who earns his living in the shipping business, says he started blogging about ancient temples in Tamil Nadu to create awareness among today's youth about the state's treasures. When the Kapoor case surfaced, he used his knowledge of t e m p l e s gleaned from books and personal visits to identify artefacts in museums and source their origin. Vijay was crucial in highlighting the stolen Ardhanareeswara in New South Wales museum and revealed how the thieves had left a poor fake in the Vriddhachalam temple that fooled devotees. He also helped identify the Uma Parameswari in ACM as well as the Toledo Ganesha with photographs to prove their origin.
'Blogger gives crucial leads in idol hunt' Times of India Apr 3, 2014.

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