Friday 9 November 2018

New Website Aims to Debunk Para-Archaeologies

Dr David Anderson has just started a new website that I suspect will develop into a useful resource:
Human Heritage is remarkable! Our ancestors created marvelous monuments to their ingenuity and devotion, but sadly conspiracy theorists seek to steal those achievements and hand them over to mythical lost civilizations and dubious ancient aliens. I am here to draw a line in the sand and say "No longer!"
I feel a lack of a links page that goes to other  archaeologists' efforts to spread the same message - after all, this is about disseminating the information to the wider public. Websites I'd like to see linked are the two oldest that I am aware of, Katherine Reece's "Hall of Ma'at: Weighing the Evidence for Alternative History" and Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews and James Doeser's well-established 'Bad Archaeology', but I am sure there are more and it would be good to give them credit.

I'd add also a bibliography to actual published books (if only to highlight that there are such books and maybe our colleagues could be writing more). There is a useful starter reading list in the Wikipedia 'pseudoarchaeology' webpage which gives it some treatment, but it would be interesting to see Dr Anderson's recommendations from among these titles - and what else he's found in his study of this important topic.

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