Sunday 27 January 2019

More Austerity Bites British Archaeology

There are plans to cut 60 per cent from the budget of Worcestershire’s Archive and Archaeology Service (Ross Crawford, 'County Councillor hits out at plans to cut Archive and Archaeology Service budget' Reddich Standard 13th Jan, 2019).
The service, which cares for all the county’s historic documents and keeps the past alive through archaeological digs, is facing losing £405,000 from its £751,000 budget as part of swingeing County Hall cuts. [...] The service currently employs 25 people but their future would be in doubt if the cuts went ahead [...] Councillor Lucy Hodgson (Con, Malvern Chase) cabinet member for communities, said: “We are proposing to make savings of £400,000 from the Archive and Archaeology Service as part of the wider savings that the council needs to make in the coming years.  

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