Monday 8 July 2019

Coiney Transparency

'Coiney Weekly'  the trade magazine has a text called 'The ILLICID final Report has been published' where they attempt to trash a recent German research project attempting to untangle the no-questions-asked antiquities trade and ways of analysing and trying to understand this notoriously secretive and opaque industry. I would normally analyse such a text and by using quotes give them a chance to say what they think in their own words. Sadly, in this case I do not feel at all motivated to do this as the page is protected against any copying of quotes for use for normal critique:

Since I can't be bothered typing the quotes out longhand, you can read the text for yourself. I think it utterly misses the point (deliberately?). Of course the German ILLICID project and its report was not just about coins, and it is odd that Coiney Weekly - in solidarity with dodgy antiquities dealers - attempts to defend the entire global antiquities trade from this kind of scrutiny. That's trade transparency for you. Read it and wonder why they do not want you making a record.

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