Tuesday 20 October 2020

From a UK Metal Detectorist's Facebook Page

Checking out a few of the commercial artefact hunting organisers' webpages the other day, I found this (right) proudly displayed, I can't make out the second flag. It is difficult to say whether I am more surprised seeing such a thing from a British metal detectorist trying to get people to come to their pay-to-dig rallies, or whether I am not at all surprised to see such a thing from a British metal detectorist.

1 comment:

Hougenai said...

If it wasn't for the 'fact' that detectorists are so well known for a multi-cultural, liberal, and informed outlook a Brexit Party flag (White image on light blue background) could be a possibility.
As they are crammed like sardines it is unlikely to be an NHS flag (also white on a light blue).

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