Saturday, 18 February 2023

NCMD and The Treasure Redefinition

Over on a metal detecting webpage near you, a tekkie is getting excited by the NCMD press release about a change to the Treasure Act (‘Treasure’ to be re-defined', Posted on February 17, 2023 by John Howland). He reckons this is a good thing and "could hand Detectorists greater influence over which recovered artefacts should be deemed as ‘significant’...". He apparently missed this bit (more than eight sentences in): "We’d hoped you, our members, could have had a greater input to the process too but sadly our offers to facilitate this were not taken up". Tekkies were cut out of the process.

So I reckon it will be about two to three weeks and the NCMD will be announcing yet again that they are withdrawing from the ongoing discussions. They always do, like petulent little kids.

1 comment:

Brian Mattick said...

I hear the Loft Clearers Guild is demanding a say in deciding what they should reveal to old ladies about what was in their lofts.

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