Sunday 7 May 2023

Bits of an Afghan Genizah that was not a Genizah, Just a Looted Assemblage, now Exhibited as Trophies by Israeli Collection

"In a few months, with the inauguration of the new building of the National Library of Israel, millennium-old historical documents belonging to the lost Jewish community of Afghanistan will be presented" ( YItzhak Tesler, 'A glimpse into the mysterious Jewish community of Afghanistan', Ynetnews 1st May 2023).

"The rare and important collection was acquired with the support of the William Davidson Foundation and the Haim and Hanna Solomon Fund" [...] "Dr. Finkelman, for understandable reasons, avoids giving straight answers to how exactly library staff acquired the rare documents".
It's supposed to be OK, because if the documents had remained in the source coutry, Ghengiz Khan would have destroyed them, the Library argues.

See also: Nir Hasson, 'From Afghan Cave to Jerusalem, a Treasure Trove of Silk Road Jews Reaches Israelis' Haaretz Sep 15, 2016

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