Wednesday 5 October 2011

Egypt, Fresh Looting in the White Desert

From Youm7 (Maher Abu El Noor,'Excavation equipment discovered in White Desert, investigation ongoing', Friday Sep 30, 2011

Director of New Valley Security Othman Naji today received a report indicating that [mechanical] excavation equipment had been discovered about eight kilometers from the main road inside the White Desert Natural Reserve, a clear violation of the no excavation or digging policy. Naji instructed a team to investigate the incident. The team discovered a hole – one meter and a half in depth and three meters wide – inside of which was found human bones and pottery.
The White Desert (Sahara el Beyda) is near the smallest oasis in Egypt, Farfara and contains a number of ancient sites. The equipment found included a mechanical excavator and a "tractor in a trailer". Nobody was present at the scene of the crime when authorities visited. Presumably the looters thought they could escape detection and left the equipment there.

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