Sunday, 1 October 2017

A Sword Missing from the Gloucestershire hoard?

Screen shot selected and captured by PMB from
 CrazyCressy7's You Tube film in public domain,
fair use for comment and criticism
In the video, the finder of the 'licking- doggie -from-somewhere-in-Gloucestershire-hoard' says he's 'got something big down there, feels like a sword', leaving aside an excavation technique which means that the excavator goes by touch alone (how can a 'feel' be documented during excavation, except as it is on this video?), why is nothing that would 'feel like a sword' included in the bare list of items that were taken by the finders to the FLO? Was it removed by the landowner, or were its fragments lost in the vegetation when the finds were just unceremoniously dumped on the ground around the hole (the detectorists did not even bother with using what is called a 'drop sheet' to avoid scattering of the spoil) . What about the object found in the hoard and identified by the finders as a pommel? Why is that missing from the list of hoard contents? What else is not included in the material being examined by the FLO and is there any item in that assemblage which has been included in the haul, but which was not actually originally part of the deposit?

Screen shot selected and captured by PMB from
 CrazyCressy7's You Tube film in public domain,
fair use for comment and criticism

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