Saturday 9 July 2022

Viking Ring Found Among Bric a Brac

What happens to material removed by artefact hunters from the archaeological record when they die or lose interest in the hobby? Some end up in landfill, while others end up in car boot sales with other bric-a-brac. A woman in Norway bought a collection of costume jewellery online after spotting a gold ring — which turned out to be a rare example of a Viking Age artefact ( Ida Irene Bergstrøm, ''
The online jewellery collection 

Gold ring that once belonged to a powerful Viking Chief was found in a pile of cheap jewellery auctioned off online
' Science Norway Friday 08 July 2022). 

Artefact hunting and possession of artefacts are regulated in Norway. Metal detecting is permitted if the finds are handed over to museums... but as one scholar has noted, "Why do metal detector enthusiasts find so many cheap coins, and so few valuable ones?" (Science Norway 26 December 2019)

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