Thursday 12 September 2024

Metal detectorist who Stole £3m Viking Hoard Jailed for Five More Years

Layton Davies failed to pay back £600,000 made from selling treasure found in Herefordshire in 2015 [Metal detectorist who stole £3m Viking hoard jailed for five more years The Guardian (Crime) 12.09.2024].

Some comments from A. Reader:
13 years with up to 1/3 off parole/remission, about 9 years (with parole possibly half) , so let's say 6-9 years.

£600k is still £75-100k pa , not a bad salary for being fed and watered at His Majesty's pleasure. Pwerhaps the next thing will be 'Proceeds of Crime', where authorities can help themselves to any assets.

There's also the question of who handled the swag, an offence in itself. You don't suddenly set yourself up to 'fence' antiquities, I'd imagine you have to be well known for such in certain circles. Then there's the buyers, the end collectors, it's impossible not to wonder what else they have. (though I've seen nothing that details how the stuff was sold).

Funny how these news items never have a comment from PAS. Condemning someone for not reporting can hardly be included in the 'we don't want to put people off reporting with us'.
[please note: A. Reader does not work for the Passive Antiquites Scheme].

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