Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Metal Detecting Advice in USA (The best Country in tha' World?)

Thread starter Damtheluck Friendly Metal Detecting Forum Dec 25, 2024 'Best neighborhoods are the worst neighborhoods

So though my research every town in south east texas and Louisiana old enough for silver are the hood. I dont want to get robbed or worse looking for coins. They have all the old curb strips, oldest parks, and abandoned lots. If you hunt in iffy areas is there a time of day you go? Any advice on protecting yourself? What's your experiences?
I'm not certain my example is similar, but I've hunted a small city park that always has dozens of addicts that are known to be aggressive and even violent. I wore a yellow and red city worker's vest, and not once did an addict even come close to approaching me.
That's a shame. And it won't very soon that that condition might or will change. The only recourse is to hunt in numbers and possibly pack some heat.
Probably better would be a good size pepper spray.
The sketchy hood areas haven't always been that way. That's why we like to hunt those spots. Go out early in the morning, most hood rats are still sleeping off last nights fix. I'm going to hunt a closed high school in NE Detroit right now. I will be packing my Glock. Not too worried but I've been approached in a not so nice way in the past.
 So why not just hunt in the countryside? Ah... no SILVER coins there. 

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