Monday, 21 March 2011

The Clock is Ticking for the Twelve Million Mark, but How Fast?

Heritage Action's Heritage Journal has a thought-provoking post based on its Erosion Counter figures (pay especial attention to the metal detector disguised as a walking stick - the marketers do not explain how having "detected" something, one would go about getting it out of the ground "without attracting interest". The piece concludes:
Sooner or later someone, irrespective of vested interest, embarrassment or professional loyalty, is going to have to finally openly admit to the public what they increasingly express privately – that the British have made a big mistake and it needs to be rectified. Or will the gap between the breathlessly enthusiastic press releases and the grubby net reality simply be allowed to grow ever wider?

Vignette: A metal detectorist uses the Rover Undercover metal detector.

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