Friday 5 July 2013

Mansour Boraik removed as head of antiquities in Luxor

If this is true, it is a pity: Mansour Boraik removed as head of antiquities in Luxor

UPDATE 7th July 2013: Luxor archaeologists strike to reinstate sacked Luxor director,
Today dozens of archaeologists at Luxor Inspectorate went on a strike in protest at the last decision taken by Ministry of State for Antiquities Ahmed Eissa before leaving office. The minister ordered Luxor antiquities director Mansour Boraik removed from his post a few hours before leaving the ministry for good amid the toppling of president Mohamed Morsi. Employees of the Ministry of State for Antiquities (MSA) describe the decision as "arbitrary and unjustified." 
The decision to remove him was taken at 2:30 Thursday, the dying moments of the administration. Jane Akshar has some of the background on her blog.

And where is Ahmed Eissa now?

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