Saturday 7 September 2013

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: The NCMD no Longer a Benefit?

There is a bit of a discussion going on over on a detecting forum near you which started with Chris Tsirogiannis' remarks, then went on to a criticism of the NCMD. Chef Geoff (" Archaeological and Hardware Advisor Demigod Re: Pick on the detectorists « Reply #7  September 06, 2013, 10:59:53 AM) writes critically of the inaction of the NCMD in situations like this
They are conspicuous in their silence on promoting a more professional image for the hobby [...] NCMD need to either be replaced or at the least get a serious makeover, their website is as about as modern or exciting as listening to a 50 year old shipping report.
Anthonyjay (Re: Pick on the detectorists Reply #12 on: September 06, 2013, 05:15:51 PM) adds:
Reference to the NCMD; There has been a change in their top people and because of this new policies are being made which seems a drastic step backward after all the hard work done in the early years by the likes of Trevor Austen (sic). It is alleged that they are no longer interested in the PAS and have severed any ties there may have been.
Goldpanner ( Reply #15 on: September 06, 2013, 06:58:16 PM) enlarges:
The problem as I see it is that the NCMD was originally a very pro-active organisation, but it seems to have now withered down to a situation where it no longer seems to actively defend Detectorists or pro-actively promote the hobby. It would seem that since the Treasure Act, it has slowly descended into a peaceful stupor rather than proposing and promoting new ideas [...] The NCMD did a great job in the old days, but to me it has passed its sell by date.
So the NCMD seems to be being regarded here as a bit of a has-been and no longer representing the interests of many artefact hunters. So why do the British authorities still look to it for an opinion? For lack of anything else ?

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