Monday 9 September 2013

New Ad Hominem Nonsense From the ACCG's "Mountainously Polymathic Numismatic Scholar"

Well, well, well, what next? First an off-topic reading list, then some name calling and fart jokes, then a pathetic and redundant "Wikipedia" page, now the ACCG's star numismatist falls back on toilet humour al la detectoriste ("Ancient Coins: The amazing talking a***hole ). "Archaeologists are modern day grave robbers and our enemy...". Unless I am mistaken the text he quotes (without a proper citation and without putting it in context) is in fact the authorship of  Alan Hassal who has deleted the original (you might well consider why). It's really of interest to see the coineys in league with the likes of Mr Hassal. It is also interesting to observe several old folk in the collecting milieu at the moment, who - like Mr Welsh - seem insistent on acting like some frustrated dugupist's "way back machine". On his ancient coins blog the other day, Welsh trawled up a faked biography of me, this week he incautiously disseminates more fake accusations.

This really is pathetic, and certainly taken together with all the other ACCG nonsense really casts considerable doubt on the claims of a bunch of deluded elderly men to represent anything but the crudest of schoolyard mentality. Welsh then proceeds to attempt to give me career advice - to become a "historian" !

That's ancient coin dealer Dave Welsh folks, with a reputation in the coiney world  - remember the name: Classical Coins (opened in December 2003) and Applied Technology Management (provides consulting and design services for product development and manufacturing, website design and Internet marketing). And peddlar in fart jokes and insults.

1 comment:

Paul Barford said...

Metal detectorist Dick Stout wrote Jun 10, 2013 he was going henceforth to use his real name, I guess that does not apply to when he insults people. Good company you keep Mr Welsh.

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