Monday 9 September 2013

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: Stridency-free MD blog

I was looking through  the blog of "Aurelia", ("middle aged professional female"), England's answer to the so-called "Detecting Diva". Among other good things, there's a short account on: "Metal detecting clubs and restricted membership", July 31st 2013.  In this the author characterises UK clubs and talk about their size in her experience (she's from the Redditch area). There is also this:
For another, metal detecting clubs seem to be intensely political with people falling out more often than teenage girls and it’s bloody difficult keeping up to date with who’s still not talking to whom and what the falling out was about. That’s the beauty and benefit of having personal permissions – you can go and detect when you feel like it and you are beholden to none but the landowner.
Take a look at the blog, quite a nice one:  'Aurelia's Metal Detecting (One Woman and her Deus)'

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