Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Hapless Minister's Fluffed Lines Well Noted

Heritage Action ‏@HeritageAction note:
On Friday our article about Ed Vaizey was the most-viewed WordPress posting in Britain and 12th in the world!
"No need to apologise Mr Vaizey, you were a help!", Heritage Journal 5th November 2013.


Charles Peters said...

There are 72 Million Wordpress websites in the world and a post about Ed Vaizey and metal detecting is the 12th most read in the world?? I think not! As much as I enjoy the Heritage Journal, methinks that's not correct (spambots maybe??)

Paul Barford said...

Well, take it up with them, I'm only reporting what they said. Note that it specified a time.

The popularity stats are odd things. Have a look at what is currently the top topic here (left sidebar), your guess why is as good as mine.

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