Tuesday 2 July 2013

A villager in Sripuranthan has a 30-year-old photograph of Nataraja and his consort

A villager in Sripuranthan has a 30-year-old photograph of Nataraja and his consort:
The documents provided by Kapoor to the NGA stated that the Nataraja idol was in an art shop, in Delhi, and a Sudanese diplomat bought it in 1970 before selling it to Kapoor.[...]   Govindarajan, 75, is a farmer living in Sripuranthan. Like others in the village, he knew the broad contours of the idol theft case, but not the details. Hence, he never realised the importance of a picture he had. Mr. Govindarajan got a copy of the photograph of Nataraja with his consort about 30 years ago and has been holding it with reverence in his house since then. When he heard that the investigators were looking for supportive evidence to strengthen the idol theft case, he realised that the photo he had would be helpful and handed it over to the police. 
A. Srivathsan, 'New images of stolen Nataraja surface', The Hindu June 28, 2013  

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