Thursday 6 February 2014

Unacceptable: More Accusations From Across the Atlantic

A metal detectorist candidly comments on the thread in a Transatlantic metal detecting blog "Who Wants a PAS Here?." which shows that after sixteen years of liaison there are still people in the mileu totally clueless about its function:
when you consider that FEW archaeological digs even bother to register their finds with the PAS…one has to ask the question WHY?  Are orthodox archaeologists complicit in a system of under-the-counter supply to the more shady market outlets? We have to be told. Why aren’t people like Paul Barford, and his bullet-maker, David Gill, investigating this illicit trade instead of whingeing and whining about the PAS. Why aren’t the police?
Professor David Gill and I write independently. I think for the answer to the question why the Scheme was set up and who for, empty vessel metal detectorists would be well advised to consult the PAS website in order to avoid looking like completely clueless fools. If after sixteen years of "partnership" and liaison, at the expenditure of millions of pounds of public money, if the PAS cannot get something as simple as this over to its main target audience, there is clearly something very, very wrong with the means it goes about doing it

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