Tuesday 1 April 2014

Ossuaries Seized in Jerusalem

looted ossuaries
Police and antiquities inspectors have seized 11 decorated Second Temple period stone ossuaries (some still containing human remains) and arrested the gang attempting to sell them. The suspects, from the West Bank, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, were arrested on Friday as they met prospective Jewish clients at a crossing point between the West Bank and east Jerusalem
'Shallow engravings, etched in the past by means of a sharp stylus, were found on the walls of two of the seized ossuaries. They cite the names of the deceased whose bones were collected in the coffins,' the IAA said. One of the ossuaries bore the name 'Ralfin', written in squared Hebrew script 'characteristic of the Second Temple period', the statement said. 'There is no doubt that the ossuaries were recently looted from a magnificent burial cave in Jerusalem,' it added.  
 Sky News, 'Israel recovers looted ancient caskets', Tuesday April 1, 2014

1 comment:

P2Pinvested said...

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