Sunday, 6 April 2014

Nail-Biting end.... Is there a limit to the Stupidity?


Schadenfreude is wedge-shaped:
This is a set of two near eastern old clay cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia. The first tablet (on the left) is a complete piece, with an inscription on both sides. It measures approx 58mm high x 54mm wide x 13mm deep. The second, slightly larger tablet, is clearly a fragment from a much larger piece. It is plain on one side and has a small amount of text on the other side and also depicts a head. It measures approx 85mm high x 82mm wide x 21mm deep. These tablets are part of a collection of tablets and clay figures purchased in 2013 from an antiquities dealer in Turkey
Are any of the bidders going to have second thoughts and withdraw their bids? Will somebody join in and make a hasty buy at the last moment? Counting down now 40 minutes to go,  56 homegrown wannabe connoisseurs bidding so far seller stands to make £351.00. That's enough to buy a book or two. Still, at least the postage costs are not excessive. [UPDATE: Ended at £431.00 from 61 bids ]

This kind of antiquities appears to be a good line of business to be in, it looks like all you really need to get into it is a bit of imagination, a bit of a nerve, a bucket of clay (not even of the right kind), a pointy stick and a page out of a Turkish newspaper to wrap it in after you've sold it in a private listing.  Because dealers in dugupcollectables will know that in that milieu, there's one born every minute.

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