Monday 7 April 2014

UK Archaeology in Crisis

Dr Mike Nevell, 'Archaeology in Crisis' Archaeologyuos, 7th April 2014
Archaeology in England is in the middle of its worst crisis ever according to Jane Greenville of the CBA. Speaking at the CBA winter meeting in London in February 2014 she highlighted the cuts in local authority budgets which make it possible that the provision of county archaeological services, established in the 1970s and 1980s, may turn out to be just a generational phenomenon.
But never mind, the pace of new archaeological discoveries made by metal detectorists and recorded for public benefit shows no sign of abating. Dr Nevell did not give changing public perceptions on the nature of archaeology as Britain's Portable Antiquity Heritage any mention at all.


Cultural Property Observer said...

Ask the Italians and the Greeks about their budgets. At least the UK has members of the public--metal detectorists willing and able to help record the past. The Italians and Greeks should consider something akin to the PAS to help get community archaeology going. It's far more efficient than a large overstaffed state archaeological enterprise.

Paul Barford said...

I'm going to guess.... you did not read the article to which I linked, or if you did, you failed to understand it (or my comment).

Maybe if you want to contribute something you could first exercise your brain a little instead of your prejudices.

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