Friday 6 June 2014

Greece: Two Men face Prosecution over Illicit Antiquities

Two men, a 33-year-old Greek man and an Albanian aged 40, were arrested in Argos, in the Peloponnese on Thursday, and 25 ancient artefacts that are alleged to have been acquired illegally were seized.
The Greek was caught red-handed on Wednesday by an undercover police officer posing as a potential buyer and the Albanian national was caught later. The artifacts include clay pots and statues and, according to experts, most date to the Mycenaean period between the 15th and 13th century BC.
Obviously, if the buyer had been a real collector or middleman, these items would now be on their way to a personal collection somewhere, entering the market anonymously, but illicit nevertheless.

'Greek, Albanian face prosecutor over illicit antiquities' Kathimerini 06/05/2014

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