Sunday 1 June 2014

Sock Puppet Steve-Ron and the Nighthawks (part 2)

Sock puppet Ron-Steve now whimsically wants
us to call him "Spartacus"

as his next assumed virtual antagonistic tekkie-hero identity.
Somebody calling him or herself "Ron" who used to be "Steve" in reply to my comments on his or her attempts to shift the blame for illegal artefact hunting on landowners (!) related in a comment on Andy Baines' blog some "observation made by others who are in the same profession as Paul" (and not the same profession as "Steve-Ron" who earlier claimed to be an archaeologist?) which the blog owner deleted as in his opinion it constituted a personal attack (That's rather rich as "Steve-Ron" justified hiding behind made-up names and invented identities as a defence against personal attacks, and now indulges in one of his or her own.) "Ron-Steve" says he or she has:
"no idea where the comment with respect to the NCMD boycott came from as I understand from discussions with one of the authors of the report, that two NCMD Officers attended all Steering Group meetings and contributed to the final report so I am lost on that one.
Perhaps the best place to unlose oneself over such an issue might be to look at the report, a mouse-click away, page 15 "NCMD who felt unable to help" NCMF were "observers", not helpers (page 18) Then there is the NCMD's own statement (page 19) which anyone with half a brain could find before implying that something is not true. But then, somebody who hides behind a false name has nothing to lose by writing the first siilly thing that comes into their head, eh "Ron-Steve"?

Let us note also however that the authors of that sorry apology for a report also did not put their names under it, the report is anonymous, like "Ron-Steve".

"Ron-Steve" reckons that:
 the best way to deal with hawkers is not to give them any material to steal by allowing proper organised searchers of the land at optimum times such as after drilling.
Sort of like the Staffor
dshire Hoard field then? I really think what has been happening there after FOUR separate emptying operations gives the lie to this idea. Anyway, once again let us stress that the "illegal artefact hunting problem" is here being used to substitute for a discussion of the way to treat the archaeological record. "Ron-Steve" wants to hoik it all now (and archive it I assume). I assume by the methodology of a proper MD survey (Our Portable Past- like). I'd like to ask who finances it? The landowner again? Why? What's in it for him or her? Or is Ron-Steve expecting everybody to conduct an archaeological project for free out of the goodness of their hearts? How many times on how many sites? Where and according to what criteria? In any case, despite the little matter of its achievability, is emptying the countryside of artefacts actually an archaeologically desirable end?

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