Syria (1) Evidence of Looting from Google Earth as of 5th May 2013, Southwestern parts
Syria (2), Evidence of Looting from Google Earth as of 5th May 2013, Central and Western (coastal) regions
Syria (3), Evidence of Looting from Google Earth as of 5th May 2013, Northern and Eastern Regions
I was looking specifically at the issue of looting due to the civil war, while these two researchers include military bases on tell sites (they miss quite a few) and spread their net wider. Some of the sites they include on their list of looted sites were dug into before the war - for example the looting of Tell Tell Bi'a in Ar-Raqqah Governorate is already apparent on photos from the summer of 2011 and (in blurred form, 2004). It is thus discounted from my list. There are very many sites in Syria with holes in them predating April 2011. Some are from looting, others seem to be mini-quarries. There does not seem much point in conflating these two separate periods in any discussion.
Vignette: Eyes in the sky
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