Saturday 24 August 2019

Collectors' Corner: A Trifle, Overpriced

There's one born every minute, or so some dealers hope. Here we have an 'Antique 1787 Anglesey Penny Token British Empire 18thC' in a rather junk-box state being sold by konstantin.antiques (3728) Chesterfield, United Kingdom a snippet at GBP 169.99 (approximately US $206.21), I suppose its the associations with the 'Druid isle' that does it... These tokens do tend to be in rather bad state, they had a shallow relief and circulated quite heavily, and they could be picked up for pennies in the junk boxes of the coin shops of the 'seventies, but eBay has a nice selection for prices that range from a fiver for some bad ones to around about twenty-thirty quid for ones in passable state.

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