Thursday 29 August 2019

Hansons Antiquities Department specialists, Adam Staples and Lisa Grace

Historica is a new specialist Coins and Antiquities department at Hansons Auctioneers and Valuers, running quarterly auctions of treasures from our historical past.
From gold, silver and bronze coins, to weapons, tools, jewellery, dress fittings, horse trappings, religious items and ceramics, these items will offer a true glimpse into the past.
Department specialists, Adam Staples and Lisa Grace commented, 'at Historica, we have a real passion for these items and priding ourselves on quality and authenticity, we aim to service a growing public interest in our heritage.'
Adam and Lisa have worked in the field of antiquities and coins for almost 36 years between them. From 'Finds Advisors' on metal detecting forums to regularly writing articles for ‘The Searcher Magazine’ (a metal detecting finds publication), bringing a wealth of experience to Hansons.
Adam and Lisa have worked with museums both at home and abroad, even visiting Croatia twice to work with archaeologists searching for a Roman battle site. Furthermore, they have spent five years identifying and recording finds for the 'United Kingdom Detector Finds Database' which records our heritage for future generations. They have also recorded finds with the Portable Antiquities Scheme, the Fitzwilliam Museum and Oxford University Archaeology Department's Celtic Coin Index, uncovering several previously unknown types of coin along the way.

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