Tuesday 12 November 2019

"Most Reasonable", if you don't get Caught

Apparently, from the dealer's point of view, 'British Treasure Trove (sic!) laws are some of the most reasonable anywhere (Richard Giedroyć, 'Crime Doesn’t Pay', Numismatic News November 12, 2019):
Unfortunately, even in Great Britain, there are treasure hunters who don’t abide by the rules. In June 2015 George Powell surrendered three “not particularly valuable” coins to home and property tenant Yvonne Conod near Eye Court Farm, Leominster, Herefordshire. Powell had asked permission from Conod to sweep the land with a metal detector. The 208-acre dairy and crop farm belongs to Lord Cawley. In Worcester Crown Court testimony in early October, Conod said George Powell at one point told her he had found “something valuable” in her field, but she heard nothing further about it.

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