Saturday 23 November 2019

Treasure, Money and Archaeology in the Eyes of the British Public

Dr Tess Machling @Tess_Machling 16 godz. commention on the sentencing of three of the Leominster Four
Such an important precedent. Big jail terms plus a Proceedings of Crime hearing later to decide the amount they have to pay back. Now to get rid of the term 'Treasure' and start valuing detected finds for their archaeological worth, rather than as personal money making schemes.
Start? We've had a PAS supposedly plugging that message 23 years now, obviously making hugely slow progress. I noted on Twitter an accidentally met long thread of comments - apparently mostly conservatives looking to Pritti Patel to "get this country sorted" - who were discussing this in relation to sentences recently passed down for rape, and was struck by how many who saw the sanctions as related to the monetary value of this hoard rather than the aspect (well enough stressed in ALL the news reports of the results of this trial) of the cultural damage the way it was handled by its finders. Almost without exception.

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