Saturday 24 November 2018

The Fruits of PAS 'Partnership'

According to mainstream narrative, UK detectorists are supposed to be interested in helping preserve the traces of the past. Here's a recent response of one of them on (just one aspect of) RESCUE's 'policy for the future'...
"Whereas [RESCUE] enjoys charitable status it nevertheless demonstrates distinctly uncharitable aims with its intent to campaign for the licencing of all metal detectorists and other amateur researchers. Why? Prejudice, ignorance, and heritage snobbery readily spring to mind?[sic] [...] Among RESCUE’s other pompous diktats, is the compulsory reporting of finds and not just those made by detectorists (presumably including RESCUE members?).[sic] With 1,374,507 million [sic] detector-found ‘finds’ currently logged on the Portable Antiquities’ Database,* RESCUE’s aim seems clear – to limit or reduce the number of finds made by currently legal and wholesome hobbyists to that of orthodox archaeology’s dismal level. The jealousy is palpable – hardly a week passes without Detectorists making headlines with fabulous finds, many changing the course of archaeological knowledge"

* Not only is the number as given false, not all of these 'finds' were made during collection

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