Saturday 2 March 2019

Syrian Smugglers with Manuscripts and Coins

This is interesting: 'Police seize ancient handwritten Hebrew manuscripts in anti-smuggling op in southern Turkey' Daily Sabah 26.02.2019. Three Hebrew manuscripts, nine coins and a statue  were seized from smugglers in Osmaniye province in southern Turkey.
Acting upon a tip-off, the provincial security directorate units carried out a raid on a minibus and seized three handwritten Hebrew manuscripts, nine coins and a small statue of a woman holding a water jug. The six suspects, who were later identified as Syrian nationals, have been detained and the artifacts have been delivered to the museum's directorate for further examination, according to police.
Seized from smugglers in Osmaniye.(IHA Photo)
Seized  in Osmaniye.(IHA Photo)
Although we cannot see the codices in detail (and the covers do differ from the manner in which the 'Golden Brownie fakes' are usually embellished), I would not mind betting that when we see the insides they are going to fall in among the others. In the photo the coins are fuzzy, but even so look to have the  'soapyishness' of cast tourist fakes and that statue is 100% cavet-emptor tourist-junk looking. What interests me is that they come from the southern group on my map (here updated) and the purveyors are identified as 'Syrians'.


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