Sunday 1 November 2020

Those Secretive Commercial Rally Organisers

Pay-to-dig firms don't like the world knowing the postcode of their rallies. The Let's Go Digging policy is you only get it the night before and if you've paid. But if people are travelling from all over to get to somewhere to trash a site, unless they're going to sleep in the car in November, they must get accommodation in the area...

Jerry Woollett1 h
I want to attend the Tuesday event, but will need to stay overnight in the area, please can somebody give me a rough idea what area of Gloucester would be near to the dig. I appreciate that the postcode is sensitive, just near by town would be helpful, thank you
Piotr Nuzikowski
can I have postcode too please
I assume Mr Nuzikowski is not coming all the way from Poland to pocket British archaeological heritage, but is living in the UK as an EU guest.  

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