Tuesday 10 November 2020

Exporting and importing objects of cultural interest from 1st Jan 2021

  In the UK wake of Britain's bungled Brexit, the DCMS has published new guidance on Exporting and importing objects of cultural interest from 1 Jan 2021. It's jolly colonial, metal detectorists please note, this means you too:

From 1 January 2021 you will need a UK licence to export cultural objects from the UK to any destination. Importing objects of cultural interest from the EU into the UK or a country outside the EU now and from 1 January 2021 

There is no licensing requirements for importing objects of cultural interest into the UK. However, if you are importing items from the EU to the UK or another country outside the EU you’ll need to comply with the EU and individual EU countries’ export licensing regimes.

Which is what you are all doing now isn't it, eh? But there will now be no free movement of cultural property at all from Britain to the EU as there was (except for certain categories such as antiquities). Good.

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