Tuesday 7 February 2023

"Bondi Treasure Hunter" Hits England


Bondi Treasure Hunter has 321K subscribers on You Tube and is a metal detectorist and magnet fisher who lives in a camper van and apparently makes a living posting videos of his travels around the world Treasure hunting. Several of them involve treasure hunting in the UK, such as these ones:
Buried Roman Jewellery and Coins found Metal Detecting UK 70K views 2 years ago #Treasurehunting #Metaldetecting
Metal Detecting in England with two of the most successful treasure hunters in the country- Adam Staples and Lisa Corieltavi. Part 2 coming next... Subscribe so you don't miss the Treasure!


Metal Detecting Jackpot in the UK! *Treasure Found* 155K views 1 year ago #Treasurehunting #Metaldetecting
Striking it Lucky Metal Detecting in the Uk with two of the most successful treasure hunters in the country- Adam Staples and Lisa Corieltavi.
The couple mentioned are Lisa Grace and Adam Staples Staples has worked /works for Derbyshire auctioneer Hanson's.

This is private commercial exploitation of the British archaeological record. Needless to say, there are no comments under these videos by British heritage professionals discussing the issues raised by these activities. 

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