Wednesday 27 September 2023

MMCA becoming FEMM as Collector's Interests and Ambitions Change

The privately-owned Mougins Museum of Classical Art closed in August for a revamp and its owner, Christian Levett says he has decided to sell most of the works previously on display at the museum (Carlie Porterfield, 'Private museum's collection of ancient arms and armour could bring in £22m at Christie’s' The Art Newspaper 27 September 2023)
A collection of objects from the recently-closed Mougins Museum of Classical Art in the south of France—including what has been described as the world’s largest privately-owned collection of ancient arms and armour—is estimated to bring £22m at Christie’s over the course of a year as the private institution shifts focus [...].

In August, founder and owner Christian Levett, a former commodities trader, announced plans to briefly close the museum after 12 years in order to rebrand it as the Femmes Artistes du Musée de Mougins (FAMM) and to switch out the existing collection of largely classical art to work by women artists, which Levett has focused on acquiring over the past few years. Christie’s will auction much of Levett’s collection once held in the Mougins museum across six sales in London and New York, including a two-part, trans-Atlantic auction dedicated to ancient arms and armour.

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