Thursday 24 October 2024

ATHAR Project and the Artifact War’

Readers of past posts on ths blog may know that as a result of my own research and thoughts, I have a moderately sceptical approach to some of the elements of this story, but this is certainly worth getting to know:
ATHAR Project @ATHARProject Oct 24, 2024

SOON: ‘Artifact War’ world premiere and best feature doc nominee at the @austinfilmfest. The film follows the work of Amr Al-Azm, Adnan Almohamad, and Katie A. Paul as they track trafficked Syrian antiquities from war zone looting sites to social media sites.
"An archaeology professor and his students go undercover to stop ISIS from trafficking Syrian antiquities, only to uncover a web of terror, corporate corruption, and the sale of illegal artifacts in the most shocking places".
Posted on You Tube by Mystery Box Films 24.10.2024.

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