Thursday 24 October 2024

Detectorist Hails ‘Lottery’ Payout Five Years After Finding The Chew Valley Hoard

Detectorist hails ‘lottery’ payout five years after finding ancient coins

A metal detectorist who found £4.3 million worth of ancient coins has spoken of his frustration that it took five years to receive a penny. Adam Staples, 48, discovered 2,584 coins depicting William the Conqueror and Harold II in Somerset in 2019 with his girlfriend at the time, Lisa Grace, and five friends. [...] Mr Staples, an auctioneer from Derby, said: “It’s like winning the lottery but then you can’t cash the ticket for five years.[...] Half of the money will go to the landowner, and the rest has been split between Mr Stables, Ms Grace and the friends they were training to use their metal detectors on the weekend trip, meaning they got around £300,000 each.
I can just imagine all those people wishing to get involved with historical/archaeological research to have a tax free lump sum in order to live mortgage free, after reading this . In fact, if you think about it, there is a higher chance of getting rich in the UK by buying a metal detector and going out into a field than by taking part in the National Lottery. But they are "not in it fer th' munny, jus' th' 'istry, M8".

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