Tuesday 8 April 2014

Deep Digger Dan has been Invited to the PAS?

Bloomsbury Pete, the national representative of Avian Concern for Cultural Heritage, the most vocal portable antiquities issues advocate in Bloomsbury has informed PACHI that Deep Digger Dan, the popular evangelist of a certain brand of metal detecting has been invited by Roger Bland and his Merry Men in Bloomsbury to pay them a visit and discuss "matters of common interest" while the whole debate is filmed. I do not know how reliable this information is, it certainly would be a smart move on the part of the PAS since Mr Dan has far more followers of his videos than the PAS has for its own "Metal Detecting Best Practice" series of You Tube videos (currently 47,941 more to be exact, because the PAS currently has just six subscribers).


Anonymous said...

I think they must have all been on leave when I asked a question!

Incidentally, the Official Code says "For further information contact the Council for British Archaeology (tel 01904 71417/ www.britarch.ac.uk) who can also supply details of local archaeology societies."

So I guess Detectorbloke should do that. He'll probably get all the other info he needs in his quest to be Responsible from there as well.

Paul Barford said...

I think getting answers to anything at all from the PAS is about as difficult as it would be to extract all the teeth of Bloomsbury Pete, the Heritage Pigeon.

Paul Barford said...

I would like to wholeheartedly apologise to Bloomsbury Pete for that last comment which apparently caused him some concern. It was only a metaphor, really, and your attempts to keep everyone well informed about wht goes on behind closed doors over there in Russell Square are very much appreciated. If you don't do it, who will?


Anonymous said...

Incidentally, if Detectorbloke puts archaeology societies into the Heritage Journal search box he'll find a lot of useful stuff.

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