Tuesday 3 June 2014

Homegrown 'Scholars' Lack Application

"From lightning and tempest;
from earthquake, fire, and flood;
from plague, pestilence, and famine;
from battle and murder, and from sudden death,

from all the deceits of the world,
the flesh, and the devil,
and the
superficiality of collectors", 
Good Lord, deliver us.

US Numismoparrots
 One of the things they teach you at university is to check your sources. Several dozen dullard collectors never learnt that lesson. they want us to treat them as some kind of "researchers" doing "research" on the classical past by looking at the pictures and writing on decontextualised small round archaeological objects with pictures and writing on them (some of them of illicit origins). that, they say, is why we should not stop the illicit items and the smuggled items getting into their sticky little hands. So one after the other they trot out what somebody said, that the Roman economy of Egypt was not as closed as the "traditional" numismatics had held, why, there's loads of Roman coins of Egyptian issue on the PAS database in far-off England and Wales. It seems NONE of them actually checked what really was on that database. If they had, they'd not be glibly claiming something which is at best only giving a partial view of the nature of the problem like screeching parrots. 

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