"metal detector muppet" posted on You Tube by "Tree Rat"
Note the unshakeable attitude of entitlement and range of pseudo-legal arguments this guy employs here, in particular the point where he asks the cameraman "a fief of wot? Wot have I stolen off yer?" As if the notion is defined relative to whether the victim is present at the time or not. This is followed by a gem: "implied public civil trespass, it means I 'av got ready access to your field". No public footpath sign is visible by the gate in the film. I think PC Long wants to enlighten this citizen on the finer points of English law.
UPDATE 8th August 2014
Though there is no sign that any of the UK's 16000 detectorists have come forward as responsible citizens to identify one of their fellows, according to Heritage Action: "apparently a complaint has been raised to YouTube, and the video may have been withdrawn by the time you read this". That's odd, the person encountered in somebody else's field and who twice protests that he had every right to be there is distinctly heard saying "thanks, put me on You Tube" (just before his dad shouts "Mike, back to your car"). Actually, I do not think Mr (for the moment) Nameless Detectorist has a leg to stand on to get "Tree Rat" (a vermin exterminator in real life) or You Tube to get this video removed. I think instead of trying to get his embarrassing antics on another man's property covered-up, he should be going to see the farmer and apologising, and then turn himself in to the police. The most he will get is a warning. Has he got the guts to come clean?
UPDATE 9th August 2014
PC Andy Long informed me this afternoon that – as he put it – “this male has now been identified”. It took three days.
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