Saturday 6 January 2018

Ancient Angkorian jewellery to go on show

A group of items of ancient Angkorian gold jewellery has been returned to Cambodia, and have been displayed in the national museum in a special exhibition, called “Ancient Khmer Jewelry and Ornaments: Gold and Silver Masterpieces of the Collections of the National Museum of Cambodia”: Pech Sotheary, 'Ancient Angkorian jewellery to go on show', Khmer Times January 4, 2018
Some of the ancient Angkorian gold jewellery such as necklaces, earrings, crowns, belts and bracelets arrived back in Cambodia on December 2, 2017.
On November 18, 2016, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts received information that agents in the United Kingdom were selling many ancient Khmer items, included 10 gold jewellery items used for decorating sculptures during the Angkor era, which rightfully belonged to Cambodia.

After receiving the information, the government, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts and Cambodia’s embassy in UK demanded the items back and eventually the Johnathan Tucker Antonia Tozer Asian Art gallery agreed to give them to the Cambodian government on April 20, 2017.
No mention was made of how the items got to Canada, or where they were dug up from.

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