Sunday 17 March 2019

The Bedale Hoard Animation Project

"What ho chaps, I wonder how this lot got there?"
As part of York Museums Trust’s Genesis project a group of young people aged from 14-16 created an animated video on the story of the Bedale Hoard at the Yorkshire Museum. 

 Published on You Tube by YorkMuseumsTrust Published on 9 Jun 2015

 A very good example of the type of empty speculative narrativisation that accompanies a metal detectorist's isolated find of a hoard. "Advancing understanding" or storytelling? How can we go beyond typology to context in situations like this?  I do not think we can. What is significant is that the archaeologists are not going to be able to come up with a story any more reliable than the speculations of these kids.

Seven years on, the Hoard has still not been properly published.

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