Friday 3 May 2024

The Only Reason to Replace an Ancient Nose..."

This is weird, even for pseudoarchaeology and actually reflects insistence on "racial" stereotypes ("what an African nose should look like").  Rather a chaotic video. by two guys who clearly don't know what actually comes out of the ground. But then again, there were Black Pharoahs (25th dyn) and some dark-skinned members even of the Theban royal house, but not all the time. But obviusly fantasy and playing teh victim take priority over actually establishing facts.  

Posted on You Tube by @kingmono "FORGERIES - w/ Prof. Manu Ampim" Streamed live on Apr 28, 2024.

Let's just point out that the statue at the beginning showing an inserted nose is the result of what the early art market (18/19th cent) actually did to 'restore' damaged statues before a dealer sold them, the Vatican Museum and others have hundreds with new arms, fingers, genitals, heads etc etc added where they had been broken off. Many Egyptian statues have the noses broken off (the Christains are to be blamed for some ot it - eyes gouged out too - , but whaen a statue falls over face first, the nose tends to go...) . Africa is a big continent, and there are a wide range of physical types speread across the continent. In North Africa (where Egypt IS), the dominant range of nose shape is not at all coincident with what these guys consider as "African" - despite being nose of peeople that live in Africa and desceneded from people that lived in Africa.

Some Cairo faces



De. William Shephard said...

I am amazed, you obviously possess a modicum of intelligence but have not yet realised that stopping continuously banging your head against a brick wall will immediately relieve the head pain you have suffered for years. Paul, you are naught but a figure of fun, a coconut sitting there to be knocked off its insecure base.

Paul Barford said...

Instead of being typically offensive, could you explain what specifically you object to here? Do you think there is a typically "African nose" and can you show that archaeologists have been "systematically" "de-africanising" Egyptian art by repainting all the tomb paintings and sarcophagi as is alleged in this video? Would you like to explain WHY you think that? What is so "unintelligent' in calling out such fallacious claims here?

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