Sunday 11 March 2018

Austria joins ECMD

A detecting organization in Austria has become a member of the ECMD (ecmdeu, 'Austria joins ECMD!' 5 March 2018). The country's artefact hunters will be represented in ECMD by  Netzwerk Geschichte Österreich, a nationwide organisation formed in 2011, which
concentrates its activities on cooperation with Austrian and international archaeologists, organises its own research projects, as well as takes part in those organised by universities, academic institutions etc., and publishes a yearly magazine. It also describes itself as “charitable, independent, innovative and non-political, committed to a sustainable and future-oriented access to the Austrian cultural heritage and preservation of its past.”
ECMD add that 'it is interesting to note that many members of NGÖ are active archaeologists, who hopefully will be valuable allies in promoting and establishing international standards of responsible metal detecting'. They mean artefact hunting. This is not the same as archaeology, so I really do not know what these Austrian colleagues are thinking they are doing.  

 NGÖ is also closely connected to ArchaeoPublica and 10 other cooperative organisations throughout Austria.[...] The organisation is very active in the field of cooperation between metal detectorists and archaeologists and heritage protection, promoting archaeology with countless volunteer activities, supporting the official participation in Austrian historical research and offers a variety of opportunities for active participation to its members.

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