Friday 5 July 2019

Japanese Collector Returns Cambodian Artefacts

Eighty-five artifacts are displayed before the handover
ceremony at the National Museum, in Phnom Penh,
Cambodia, July 5, 2019
A number of pre-Angkorian and Agkorian artefacts displayed in a Japanese collector’s home for two decades have been returned to the Southeast Asian country’s National Museum (AP 'Japanese Collector Returns Cambodian Artifacts', Associated Press July 5, 2019):
The 85 artifacts are mostly small bronze items and include statues of Buddha and the Hindu god Shiva, plus jars, ceramics and jewelry. [...] Cambodia has made intense efforts to recover artifacts looted during its civil war in the 1970s. [...] The collector, Fumiko Takakuwa, told reporters after the handover ceremony that she and her husband had bought the items in Japan and liked to collect and display them in their home[...]  “My husband has said before he passed away that those artifacts have to be returned back to Cambodia, and today I am happy that I did,” Takakuwa said. 
The 85 items were believed to have been stolen from Cambodia’s temples during the war, when intense looting occurred and valuables were smuggled through neighboring Thailand.

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