Friday 27 December 2019

In England Too, Coineys Marketing to Schoolkids

   Richard Beale  (Roma Numismatics)  

Shopkeepers being shopkeepers:
Roma Numismatics Limited (24th Dec 2019)
It has been an incredibly busy and at times very stressful year. Between the 15 auctions we ran in 2019, somehow we still carved out time to be more than just an auction house. [...] Richard Beale, Sally Oliver and Poppy Farnese Grima paid a visit to the impressively bright students at Westminster School at the kind invitation of Helena Zara and Edmund Lewis to deliver a presentation on the relevance and themes of ancient coinage, and perhaps sowed a few seeds of interest for this fascinating field of study by distributing Roman bronzes to staff and pupils. Do you know of a school that might benefit from a visit by specialists in the field of classical history? 
One wonders where those coins were sourced (where they will be fifteen years from now), and whether the topics of ethics and the destruction of the archaeological record by artefact hunting were covered by these "specialists". Were Westminster School students encouraged to take up metal detecting?

According to their LinkedIn pages, Helena Zara is the School's "Secretary to the Deputy Head and Communications Coordinator" while Mr Lewis is a "Teacher of Classics".

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