Friday 26 February 2021

Another Hanson's Auction: Artefacts like potatoes

I wonder why, when Mr Hanson had so many wonderful archaeological objects on sale in his latest auction, the PAS decided to chase up the first lot (the "Buckinghamshire" harness brooch) and not any of the other Celtic items, and record them before they vanished into somebody's collection, and not the others. I was interested in this reference to a hoard of [Republican] Roman coins. The four coins depicted as a hoard were  split up and sold off as separate lots (204, 205, 206, 207). They had in the past also been sold off separately (so it is unclear how Mr Hanson knows that they were found as a hoard), NN (Nomis AG?) Auctions 17, 47, 35, 31, and they were all marketed as "ex John Wells collection". Mr Wells must have liked the odd odd treatment of the hair on the Q. Cassius one.  I wonder what provenance and documentation dealer NN offered with them? Whatever it was, Mr Hanson makes no mention of it. They are just sold loose, like potatoes. 

and I can't ask because as a dealer, Mr Hanson's apparently not keen on an archaeologist looking over his shoulder.....

Oh well, not my loss. 

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